live Feed:
Genaro: <> - Los tres descartes del Malaga ya tienen equipo: Genaro, al Cordoba - Genaro sigue al margen y en el Malaga siguen pendientes de su evolucion - Genaro, ausente en la primera sesion de la semana por una contusion en el talon


23 days ago

Key facts

Classified as: organization


Genarom.Ro is a company. It is located in Bucharest, Romania. The company is part of the Consumer Discretionary sector, specifically in the Household Durables industry.


Stocks from Genarom.Ro

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Talking Points:

  • GENAROM furniture
  • Black Red White Romania furniture, BRW Bucharest furniture store, Bucharest furniture, Cluj furniture, Ghencea furniture, kitchen furniture, kitchen to order....
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In literature

There is no book written about Genarom.Ro in the database


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