Fiona Banner

6 days ago

Fiona Banner is a female artist. She was born in 1966 and is originally from the United Kingdom. She has created 103 artworks in our database.

Key facts

  • birth date: 1966
  • country: United Kingdom
  • gender: female
  • number of artworks: 103
  • stolen artworks: 0
  • creation start dates: 2011, 2000, 1999
  • museums: Tate Museums


Fiona Banner is one of the artists in the United Kingdom and 33,721 artists in our database.

dataset Artworks by Fiona Banner :

In literature

There is no book written about Fiona Banner in the database.


Connected or similar to Fiona Banner: .


This dashboard is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.