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Marcel Duchamp
Key facts
- life: 1887 - 1968
- country: France
- gender: male
- number of artworks: 241
- stolen artworks: 1
- creation start dates: 1915, 1911, 1950
- museums: Tate Museums, Tate Museums, Tate Museums
- number of books published: 9
Classified as: person
Marcel Duchamp is a male artist and author. He is originally from France. He was born in 1887 and died in 1968. He has created 241 artworks in our database. He has 9 books in our database.
Marcel Duchamp is one of the artists in France, 33,676 artists and 1,046,722 authors in our database.
- Last publication date: 2016
- First publication date: 1960
Artworks by Marcel Duchamp
Books by Marcel Duchamp
Distribution of books by Marcel Duchamp by publication year
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