Alternative & Renewable Energy

Explore the data on different countries' production and consumption of alternative and renewable energy. From nuclear to hydroelectric, analyse and visualise the numbers to gain a better understanding of the global commitment to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sector.

In the wider landscape of energy production, consumption, import and export, special attention has to be given to energy obtained from alternative and renewable sources. Solar, hydroelectric and nuclear sources are powerful alternatives to coal and fossil fuels which heavily contribute to the climate crisis and the constantly rising temperatures on Earth. The data in this section includes:

  • National and global production of energy from alternative and renewable sources, including nuclear energy;
  • National and global consumption of energy from alternative and renewable sources;
  • National and global import of alternative and renewable energy.

Data Usage

The alternative and renewable energy data complements the datasets and visualisations in the ‘Energy Production & Consumption’. Together they offer a comprehensive overview of countries’ energy ecosystems and can assist in projects such as:

  • Assessing the environmental benefits of renewable energy sources, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and dependence on fossil fuels;
  • Analysing trends in renewable energy adoption and deployment, and identifying barriers and opportunities for scaling up renewable energy capacity;
  • Understanding the economic implications of renewable energy investments, including job creation, energy security, and economic development opportunities in rural and urban areas;
  • Addressing challenges related to renewable energy integration into existing energy systems, including grid integration, storage technologies, and regulatory frameworks.

Where to go next

The data intersects with numerous other subject areas, primarily socio-economic studies, environmental and climate studies and infrastructure planning. Make sure to explore all subjects in the ‘Energy, Environment & Climate’ category and use the data together for a holistic overview of the problem area.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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