Rising Temperatures & Wildfires

Explore the impact of climate change on the environment. Analyse datasets, charts and maps related to the constantly rising temperatures on Earth and the raging wildfires.

The temperature on Earth is steadily rising and wildfires are raging in many parts of the world. We hear those news every day and yet we do not have a good understanding of what it means. Seeing those facts through data, tracking the changes in temperatures on a chart or monitoring the wildfires on a map, lets us comprehend the news much easier.

Data Usage

The data on the temperature anomaly and wildfire distribution is invaluable to environmental researchers and activists as well as government officials working on environmental policies. It will help with:

  • Assessing the drivers and impacts of rising global temperatures, including changes in weather patterns, sea level rise, and ecosystem disruption;
  • Analysing the factors contributing to wildfire occurrences and trends, including climate change, land management practices, and human activities;
  • Understanding the societal, economic, and environmental impacts of wildfires, including loss of life and property, air quality degradation, and ecosystem degradation.

Where to go next

The analysis of rising temperatures and wildfires intersects with various other datasets and subject areas, including environmental and climate studies as well as different fields of economy. Explore other relevant subjects, particularly in the ‘Energy, Environment & Climate’ category and combine the data for a fuller picture.



This subject is based on data from: NASA


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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