Energy Production & Consumption

Explore the data on the global production and consumption of energy. From fossil fuels to coal to renewables, different countries' policies shape the energy sector. Analyse the data, visualiuse it and combine it with other relevant insights such as government expenditure related to different economy sectors.

The production, consumption, import and export of energy are all important pillars of national economies. They not only impact the financial standing of countries, but also dictate environmental policies and contribute to the efforts to combat (or worsen) the global climate crisis. Even beyond the production of energy, access to it is an important indicator of economic development a well as welfare. The data in this section includes:

  • National and global energy production, split by energy source;
  • National and global energy consumption, split by energy source;
  • National and global energy imports; and
  • Access to energy in different countries.

Data Usage

The energy data can be used by economists, government officials, academics and data analysts in businesses and consultancies. It unlocks insights related to national and international environmental efforts, and provides a comprehensive overview of energy policies and their impact on the economy and welfare. Some of the projects it can contribute to include:

  • Assessing the environmental impacts of different energy sources, including greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and habitat destruction;
  • Analysing trends in energy consumption and demand growth, and identifying opportunities for improving energy efficiency and conservation;
  • Understanding the implications of energy trade and import dependencies for national and international energy security, geopolitical stability, and economic development;
  • Addressing disparities in energy access and affordability, and promoting universal access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy services.

Where to go next

The data intersects with numerous other subject areas, primarily socio-economic studies, environmental and climate studies and infrastructure planning. Make sure to explore all subjects in the ‘Energy, Environment & Climate’ category and use the data together for a holistic overview of the problem area.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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